Top 5 Beginners Tips for Good Gut Health
Almost every client I see has some kind of digestive discomfort that they simply ignore, or they temporarily manage with either...

How to Choose your Enrollment Kit
Most people start with essential oils by purchasing an enrollment kit. Not only is this the smartest way to buy but there are several...

How to Survive the Holidays (with essential oils)
Tips for how to manage the holiday season to avoid getting overwhelmed. Essential Oil suggestions are given to enhance your experience.

Why Your Essential Oils May Be Harming You
The essential oils industry is currently thriving. I won't call it a passing trend because, in truth, plants have been used in wellness...

How To Immediately Boost Your Immunity
How to boost your immune levels with essential oils and natural products

8 Fabulous Uses for Lavender Essential Oil
When you think of Aromatherapy, one of the first essential oils that comes to the forefront of your mind is likely Lavender. We grew up...

Back to School with Essential Oils - A Quick Guide for Parents & Teachers
Summer fun is almost over, and it's time to start thinking about prepping for a new school year - and that goes for both parents and...

8 Amazing Uses for Oregano Essential Oil
Have Oregano Oil but not sure what to do with it? Discover 8 Amazing uses that you are missing out on here.

CARRIER OILS: What Are They & Why Are They Important?
Recent studies indicate that essential oils are best used together with a carrier oil. But what exactly are carrier oils? Why are they so

5 Essential Oils for a Productive Office
It has been proven that happy employees are much more productive than unhappy ones. Discover 5 tips where essential oils can improve the pe